Your Path to Success: Coaching for Entrepreneurship and Beyond!
You aspire to turn your dream of self-employment into reality and dive into the world of entrepreneurship? Confidently taking the leap, regardless of your chosen field, whether it's interior design or another area?
I understand how exciting and simultaneously challenging this journey can be, as I have successfully navigated it myself. As a young entrepreneur, I share my insights and expertise to support you on your journey to self-employment.
My coaching is tailored to turn your vision into reality. Together, we will work on your goals, develop strategies, and overcome obstacles. We'll build your business so that you're ready to launch after the coaching! Whether you already have concrete plans or are just beginning your journey, it doesn't matter. My goal is to empower you to forge your own path and make your dreams a reality.
Are you ready to take the first step into self-employment or optimize your existing venture? Then join me on this exciting journey, and together we'll achieve great things.

One time
Zoom Call
Individual care
Discuss your questions
Clearly defined goals
Tips for everyday business life
Flexible & can be booked individually
6 -W. Coaching
Weekly discussions
Personal guidance
Clarity about starting point & goals
Developing a positive business mindset
Marketing and positioning
Effective communication
10 -W. Coaching
Weekly meetings
Everything from the 6-week Coaching
Create a Personal Brand
Advice for Logo, Webseite
Weekly Tasks
(Possible) Support with Initial Projects
10 -W. Coaching PLUS
a tailor-made website
everything from the 10 W program plus...
an attractive offer to build your business including a homepage designed specifically for you!